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Announcements From the
Lister-Sink Institute

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About the Lister-Sink Institute

The Lister-Sink Institute is an educational organization dedicated to promoting a healthful, well-coordinated keyboard technique to maximize musical artistry and help prevent potential injury at any point in the career.

Intensive Training Workshop Consent Form


    • All workshop sessions and individual lessons at the Intensive Training Workshop must be video- recorded for pedagogical and professional purposes. Please read carefully and sign at the bottom of the page to indicate your acceptance.

    I hereby grant permission to Wingsound International/Lister-Sink Institute to video-record all workshop sessions and individual lessons in the Lister-Sink Method. I understand that these videos will be used solely for the educational purposes of the student and teacher, and that they may be viewed in a graduate piano pedagogy course solely for educational purposes in an academic context. By signing my electronic signature to this form and clicking on the "Submit" button, I agree to these terms.


    • During on-site workshops, Lister-Sink Method and Alexander Technique Instructors use Professional Tactile Guidance (PTG) to jumpstart students’ awareness of skeletal alignment and muscle tension. During PTG, the instructor places his or her fingertips lightly and momentarily on the head, neck, shoulders, upper arm, forearm, elbow, wrist, hand, or fingers. This enhances kinesthetic awareness and helps the student to release unnecessary muscle tension.

    • During a virtual workshop, spoken, kinesthetic cues serve the same purpose. However, it is essential to optimal training that the student at no time feel uncomfortable. Should the student become uncomfortable at any time or for any reason, he or she must inform Dr. Lister-Sink immediately (for example, via text message).

    I acknowledge that by signing my electronic signature to this form and clicking on the "Submit" button, I have read and understood the nature and uses of kinesthetic cues in workshop sessions and individual lessons. I agree to participate in workshop sessions using kinesthetic directives. I also agree that, if for any reason I should no longer wish to participate in these sessions, I will inform Dr. Lister-Sink immediately.


    Your health and well-being, particularly as it relates to playing the keyboard, is of the utmost concern to us. Please read the following carefully and sign below to indicate your acceptance.

    • I agree that I have accurately stated on the application form my current physical condition and any limitations I may have related to playing the keyboard and my ability to participate in workshop activities.

    • I agree to inform Dr. Lister-Sink and Workshop Assistants immediately if I feel that I cannot perform any activities included as part of the workshop.

    • I understand that every effort will be made by Dr. Lister-Sink and Workshop Assistants to modify activities to accommodate my physical limitations and that, at no time, am I required to participate in activities that I feel may be injurious to my physical well-being.

    • I agree to inform Dr. Lister-Sink and Workshop Assistants immediately if I should develop any new physical issues or other concerns during the workshop timeframe.

    • I agree to hold Wingsound International, Lister-Sink Institute, Dr. Barbara Lister-Sink, and Workshop Assistants harmless for any physical, psychological or emotional issues that may arise as a result of my voluntary participation in the workshop.